St. Vincent's Project
The new (or working) versions of the forms can be found in the links above. To access copies of the old forms (before I made any edits), use the following links: Old Form B and Old Emergency Assistance packet .
The fillable PDFs of the Emergency Assistance packet and onboarding form are available in English
Here’s a possible workflow for clients visiting the pantry (or any other SVH services). Briefly, new clients are asked to fill out an “onboarding form” (details about the forms are in the next section) that provides us with their household information to create their Apricot file. They will then fill out a short survey that assesses their current needs, which we can track over time.
Types of forms
With this workflow there’s two new “forms” that clients may need to fill out:
- “Onboarding” form: This will contain all the static info that we get when a new household is created in Apricot (e.g. name, sex, DOB). It’ll contain questions that are shared across multiple forms currently in use by SVH (e.g. Form B, the Emergency Assistance packet) and the results would be recorded under the household &/or individual profiles in Apricot (as Tier 1 forms). In reality I hope it isn’t even a form at all, but rather a unified approach to creating new households directly in Apricot.
- “Survey” form: This form would be filled out every so often (every 3 months in the example above) and would capture dynamic info that we want to track over time. This could have more detailed information about housing status, current benefits, etc.
These two forms have slightly different purposes, so splitting it out this way seems to make the most sense. The purpose of the onboarding form is to reduce redundancy in the data we’re asking clients and to ensure consistency across Apricot. The survey is how we track changes over time and helps us screen clients for needs that we can help with (maybe the family picking up diapers doesn’t know we can help with bills or medical services).
Printing issues
I’ve been having lots of issues with printing, so here’s a trick that should fix everything. In Adobe Acrobat, go to Print Production > Preflight. Under “PDF Fixups” convert all pages to CMYK images. Reduces the quality for sure, but fixes all those annoying problems with it being a Word doc.